Thursday, August 11, 2011

Painted Vases

I should admit right from the start that I did not come up with this idea. I saw it online and figured I'd give it a try. The total cost of this project was under $8. Here's how it breaks down:
$1.25 - paint from Hobby Lobby
$1.99 x2 - the big bottles from Goodwill
$0.99 - smaller vase shown
$0.79 - small vase not shown 
This is my only before picture and the other small vase is not included because I had already painted it when I realized I wanted to take pictures.

I am really pleased with how the 2 vases turned out. The bottles are still drying, but I'm planning to paint one the yellow to group together with the vases and I haven't decided what to do with the other one yet. I am considering orange. Or a shade of blue. I'll update when I make up my mind.
These were so simple to do. Just dilute a little enamel paint with a couple drops of water (I did this in a yogurt container - clean of course). Pour it into the clean and dry glassware and swirl around to cover. I am letting it dry and periodically swirling more paint around. The website I found this on said to turn it upside down to dry but I want to keep adding coats using the paint that is in the bottom.

Here are the first 2 done. Well, sort of done, they aren't dry yet. But I'm sure they will appear in a later post when they are in use.

I intend to bake these per the instructions on the paint bottle when we get moved in. They should be water safe after that.

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